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    Our services for the returnees, procedures and fees

    Due to our extensive experience, our continuous efforts and excellent networking capabilities, we will assist you to find the job that perfectly fits your profile and your expectations: with this in mind, we assure you that we will find you a great job in China, quickly and effectively.  
    Our services in 12 steps

    1. We attentively analyze your resume, experience and career expectations.

    2. A career consultant will be personally in charge of your profile.

    3. We will propose you one or many interviews - by phone, Skype or MSN - in order to know you better and accurately evaluate your motivations and expectations.

    4. We will evaluate your weaknesses if any and help you find solutions.

    5. These personal interviews will be in Chinese, English and the native language of the country where you studied - French, German, Spanish, etc.

    6. We will create a  personalized data sheet for you.

    7. We will make a selection of companies specifically targeted according to your profile.

    8. We will make a contact with these companies and present your resume, experience, motivation, highlight your skills and abilities.

    9. We then follow up the companies that are interested, we meet them directly to help them in the decision making process.

    10. We will organize a direct contact between you and the interested firms - by phone if you are not in China.

    11. We provide assistance to the companies with any inquiry or further details they might have.

    12. We continue to follow up with these firms until they propose you a definite working contract.

    The procedures

    • Register on

    • You will receive the right of entry to manage your personal file as well as the email address and phone number of your career advisor: you must upload your resume and your photo on it, and fill in a form with keywords.

    • Once you receive this right, you will have full access to our Extranet where you can upload your resume, your picture and an application form with keywords.

    • Your career consultant will propose you a first interview to better understand your motivations and your expectations of your desired job.

    • After the interview, your career consultant will create your personal data sheet which will highlight the most important information for your job search.

    • If necessary, we can also assist you to revise your resume.

    • Once your file is completed, we will be able to start your job search - step 7 to 12 of our last paragraph.

    When you sign a working contract with a company we have introduced to you, the company will be required to pay us the consulting fees.

    (Copyright) Shanghai Guolang 2005/2008